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"Just one session with Kellyn afforded me the confidence to make a practical, grounding, and exciting plan for investing money and time into my business in a way that felt not only do-able, but incredibly empowering. For a dreamer/enthusiast like myself, it was the perfect balance to welcome in her straightforward and action-based energy so I could more fully thrive as an entrepreneur. "

Intricate & Customized Service.

"Kellyn is a very patient and attentive advisor. Attention to detail is a key to her advising style and she wants to help you succeed."

Client Reviews

True Partnership.

"Kellyn helped me remember to bet on myself and not to give into doubt"

"I found another job that was a much better fit for me and was a complete pivot. Working with Kellyn helped show me that I need to work in an industry where I can be creative and where I can innovate, and I know going forward what I'm not willing to sacrifice for work (and that is my peace). "

"I was able to confidently step away from my part-time jobs to focus fully on my business now that I have a clearer picture of my money and put some parameters and goals in place for myself. Prior to our session, I mentally avoided diving into my finances and instead let myself suffer in the uncertainty of not knowing how to properly make safe and good parameters for myself that ultimately feel really good! Now I not only have clarity into it, but I feel peace and excitement about approaching this next chapter of life"

Makes Interviewing Easy

"I was looking for a job and Kellyn helped me get organized and rock my interview. Essentially every question she helped me prepare for was asked in my interview."

Understands What Executives Are Looking For.

"I would wholeheartedly recommend working with Kellyn; she has a ton of experience and she's also very encouraging and motivational. Sometimes it's nice to explore new frontiers with someone who not only knows the ropes, but has your best interest at heart.”

"Working with Kellyn helped give me direction when I was feeling overwhelmed. She provided me with exercises that helped me narrow down what was important to me for my life. In general, with her support, I feel excited about the unknown rather than just absolutely terrified. Kellyn helped me figure out how my work would translate to other fields, helped me define my marketable skills, and helped me figure out what I'm good at AND what I enjoy doing. Kellyn also helped me figure out what I am not willing to compromise on, and that was very helpful in my job search "

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Other Feedback From Kellyn’s Clients:

“Your guidance was really foundational to how I perceive my career now. You broke me out of the boxes that I had set for myself. Now, I kinda think I can do whatever I want — and at any point.”

- Client Review

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